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The White Peak Federation

Monyash Church of England
Primary School

Winster Church of England
Primary School

The White Peak Federation

Monyash Church of England
Primary School

Winster Church of England
Primary School

Values and Vision

Our Vision


To create a happy, inclusive, caring community built on Christian values where we prepare today’s children for tomorrow’s challenges.

"If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another." John 1:7




To provide a caring and welcoming school that safeguards and promotes welfare for all.


To develop stimulating learning activities which challenge and enthuse children to achieve their best, not only academically but in all areas of school life.


To develop meaningful partnerships with parents, carers, the churches and the wider village communities.


To recognise and value the uniqueness and achievement of every member of our school family.


To encourage children to respect and develop a deeper understanding of faiths and cultures of the world.


To provide opportunities for children to explore and reflect upon their own belief and spirituality.


To celebrate all that we are and all that we can be.

Our vision was generated as a whole federation, involving staff, governors then parents and pupils. The key facets of the vision are what we judged to be most important as our aims for our children to be; 

Able to respond to tomorrow’s challenges,  




From this, we are informed by our theological vision “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another." John 1:7 which we know will enable the children to be happy, inclusive, caring. 

We are also guided by the C of E 5 Marks of Mission which encourage us to :

TELL(through sharing God’s word through Biblical stories) 

TEACH (through our curriculum)

TEND–(through our nurture and love for each other) 

TRANSFORM(through the way we encourage children to be advocates of change)–

TREASURE (through the way all their fruits of the spirit and talents are valued) 


We remind our children of the vision at the start of the year through collective worship and unpicking what each element means to them.


The children were also invited to represent the vision in pictorial form with their parents at home, in order for these to be displayed around the school. This ensures that the vision is clearly articulated to our whole school community. 


We look at "If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another." John 1:7 

as our core vision and how their learning about Jesus and the Bible, can help them follow in his example therefore enabling them to be prepared for tomorrow’s challenges, happy, inclusive and caring.   

We focus on being the best friends as we can  (fellowship) and they know that Jesus referred to his disciples as friends;

No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends (John 15 v 15) 

Our Vision depicted by our children.
