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The White Peak Federation

Monyash Church of England
Primary School

Winster Church of England
Primary School

The White Peak Federation

Monyash Church of England
Primary School

Winster Church of England
Primary School


Computing Policy and Intent, Implementation and Impact 



Within the White Peak Federation, we aim to provide a high-quality Computing curriculum that will equip children with the skills and knowledge they need to use technology safely, responsibly and creatively, in the home and beyond and inspire a lifelong love of play, design, code and invention with technology.

Computing isn’t a subject just about memorising facts and vocabulary words, it's about solving complex problems, being able to collaborate with others and learn from mistakes. We want children to become independent and to have fun with technology while developing 21st-century skills.’ We believe in a curriculum that meets the interests of all learners, with a range of exciting creative activities and open-ended challenges based on the essential requirements of the computing program of study, incorporating Computer Science, Information Technology and Computer Science.

We believe that there are non-negotiable digital skills that children must possess:-

• All children must have a basic understanding of coding and how the web works.’

• All children must able to evaluate online information and be social media savvy.’

• All children must understand online safety rules and know how to report and block.

• All children must be proficient with word processing.

• All children must be able to create visually engaging content/presentations in order to present learning to others.

• All children must have experience of online collaboration and using communication tools.’

• All children must be taught the concept of personal archiving and possess their own digital portfolio of work.’


Today’s children and young people are growing up in a digital world. As they grow older, it is crucial that they learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour, and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online. Online Safety is an integral part of our computing curriculum and aligns to Education for a Connected World so that children focus on the key aspects of online education which will support our children to live knowledgeably, responsibly and safely in a digital world.



Our Computing curriculum follows the Knowsley Primary Computing Scheme of Work.

We have in place:-

• Computing Curriculum Map and Progressions of skills. This outlines knowledge and skills that all children must master. It also highlights what to observe in learning to assess if children are meeting expectations, exceeding expectations or working towards expectations.

• Computing Vocabulary map that highlights the key vocabulary for each year group.

• Planning for teachers, including a series of lessons which carefully plans for progression and depth. Each lesson begins with a driving question and new vocabulary is reviewed at the end of each lesson.

• Digital Learning Journals, from the end of Year 2, where children build a portfolio of evidence as they create their own individual digital learning journals.

• Information is shared with the school community through the school website and Class Dojo 

• In the Early Years children have a broad, play based experience of ICT in a range of contexts. Pupils build confidence to use technology purposefully to support their learning for all Early Learning Goals as appropriate.

Within the White Peak Federation, we ensure that all pupils have an awareness and understanding of Online Safety. This will ensure that all technology is used safely, respectfully and responsibly. A progressive online safety curriculum ensures that all pupils are able to develop skills to keep them safe online.

Safer Internet Day takes place in February to promote the safe and positive use of technology for children and the community.


How we intend to Measure Impact

Our Computing Curriculum has been structured to demonstrate a progression of skills and ensures that children can build on their understanding, as each new concept and skill is taught with opportunities for children to revisit skills and knowledge as they progress through school.’ 

Teachers assess children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in Computing by making observations, through conversations with the children during lessons, the children’s computing journal and the quality of the digital content they create. Built into the activities are several points were the teacher has the opportunity to assess and take stock of the children’s progress, then provide feedback.

In the Knowsley Computing Scheme of Work the children build a portfolio of evidence as they create their own individual digital Learning Journals using Book Creator. These digital books are saved in individual folders on Seesaw offering each pupil a place to store their digital work. At the end of each half term the class teacher makes a judgement as to whether a child is working at the level, working towards the expected level or working at a Greater Depth(achieving above).

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

• Learning Walks

• Scrutiny of Digital Portfolios

• Pupil discussions about their learning; which includes discussion of their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluations of work.


Resource and Access

 The school has a range of resources to support the delivery of the Computing curriculum, the Early Years Framework and learning across all areas of the National curriculum.

Online tools such as Purple Mash are part of the experience of pupils.

The Computing subject leader keeps up to date with new technologies and reviews the school’s provision, as well as maintaining the existing resources in partnership with the school’s technology support provider.

Within each respective school, there are iPads and laptops available to the children for ICT sessions and to enhance curriculum work.

Hardware and software faults are reported to the ICT technician.

The Computing Action Plan expresses the school’s priorities for future expenditure and is reviewed by the Computing subject leader, governors and senior management who consider its impact on all learning.

Governors and Senior Leaders ensure that they achieve value for money by implementing the principles of best value in evaluating, planning, procuring and using technology.

Old resources are disposed of in line with Derbyshire County Council’s environmental disposal policy and the school’s data protection policy where these are applicable.

The ICT and computing technician will be responsible for regularly updating anti-virus software.

Use of ICT and computing will be in line with the school’s Acceptable Use Policy’. (All staff, volunteers and children must sign a copy of the schools AUP.)

Parents will be made aware of the ‘Acceptable Use Policy’

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